Code in,

Video out.

That simple.

Convert code snippets to videos with a single click, directly in the browser.

<- you can change the file name and extension
<- get your video!
advanced options for connoisseurs ->

How it Works

1. We take your code snippet and put it on a canvas.2. A simulation is made of typing your code, and we stream the canvas the whole time.3. In the case of the frontend engine, a WebAssembly port of ffmpeg is used to capture the stream. (Less performant, but more cool.)4. In the case of the backend engine, a Node.js with a subprocess call to ffmpeg is used to capture the stream. (More performant, but less cool.)5. The captured stream is converted to an mp4. The mp4 is downloadable from your browser.

We're 100% Open Source

Every part of the CodeVideo ecosystem is open source and is distributed across a variety of repositories:
  • codevideo-ai - The ai-assisted code video creation tool
  • codevideo-desktop - The Electron powered desktop app for creating automated videos
  • codevideo-frontend - The simple WASM based frontend engine that you see working on this page
  • codevideo-backend - The Node.js based backend engine that will (soon) be working on this page
  • virtual-code-block - TypeScript class that simulates a code editor environment
  • speech-shield - Evaluates the quality and accuracy of text-to-speech AI-generated audio
  • syntax-spy - Simultaneously detect and syntax check any code snippet with ease
  • pontificator - Generate studio quality dictated audio files from books articles, and blog posts
  • typoer - Generate human-like typos for a given text
  • robotts - Node.js desktop automation for 2024.
  • - This website 😄
© 2024 👨‍💻 with ❤️ by  Full Stack Craft
🎉 Proudly built as a part of the 2024 cohort of Backdrop Build